Monster Hour is an narrative-driven actual play podcast that combines equal parts comedy and horror with crisp production value and original scoring. We are currently in our second season playing Absurdia, by Quinn Majeski. Our season one campaign featured Monster of the Week, by Michael Sands.
Thanks for your interest in supporting our little indie pod! Here are a few ways you can help us out:
If you are able to do so, backing us on Patreon is an excellent way to support the show. Patreon pledges go directly back into the podcast, helping us cover our hosting fees, upgrade our equipment, commission merchandise design and artwork, and create additional bonus content for you to enjoy!
A deep and profound thank you to our Patreon supporters who help make this show possible:
- Zen
- Lynda
- Tyler
- Tiffani Gilbert
- Dora
- Beth Arnold
- Arthur
- Christa
- Ethan Fisk
- Kevin
- Loxley
- Jax Gitzes
- Will Hose
- Mae
- Sam Palmer
- Cap
- Jackie
- Daniel
- Sarah
- Chris
- Susannah Lewis
- cmac
- Gil
- KaliWolf
- Don't Wreck Yourself Podcast
- Laura McMillan
- Satvik Beri
- The Druid's Eye and the Seer's Rose
- Ryan
- Daniel
- Amanda
- Rolly Poly Goalie
- Ari
- Dan Shumway
- Jess & Paul Ungar
- Jo Pedrick
- j.Bowie
- Connor Watson
- Miranda R.
- Pedro
- Douglas
- Savannah “Half” Ritter
- Corey Schutz
- Thad
- Tyken
- Morgan S.
- John L.
- Arthur Velwest
- Nicola 'Chickane' Page
- Jake
- Vanessa
- Lynn
- Atticus
- Dagan Knight
- Mila Janus
- Wombat
- Emily (soundless)
- Bryannah
- Courtney
- Rowan Sawyer
- Nico
- Taima
- Kyle
- Dalton Allen
- Jupiter Huckle
- Nat De Guire
- Windowsyl
- Lea Moran
- Fearne Pérez
- Visucien
- Clutterbook
- Justine
- J. Bowie
- RainyDay
- Matthew Calvert
- Dyxon
- Theo
- Alex Corbin
- Graph
- Tai
- Jamie V.
- Hastor
- Alex Shaw
- L Tantivy
- Beatrice
- Eli
- Peyton
- Chris G
- Flowerfallcoven
- Ms. Ducky
- Ry Hemingway
Spread the Word!
We know not everyone is in a position to donate, and that's okay! There are plenty of ways to help support us that don't cost a penny. If you want to show us some love, why not:
Leave us a rating and review! It makes it easier for new folks to find out about us when they're searching for new podcasts. Plus, it gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling in our hearts.
Give us a shout on social media! Plenty of people get their podcast recommendations from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - so why not let them know about Monster Hour? Plus, if you tweet about us using #monsterhourpod, you might wind up with a character named after you!
Recommend us to a friend! Yes, a real life friend! Word of mouth is the best way to help spread the word about a show. If you know someone who likes games, mysteries, monsters, or just fun storytelling in general - let them know about us!